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Sustainability Related Disclosures

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) was introduced in 2019 and came into effect in March 2021. It is one component of the broader 2018 EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance, which aims to support the financial sector’s contribution to a sustainable European economy. The SFDR is designed to overcome the roadblocks that prevent investors from accessing the sustainability information they require to make good investment decisions.
It seeks to regulate the type of information that fund managers and other financial market participants must make available to their investors, in order to increase transparency and counter greenwashing.
The level of information to be provided varies depending on the degree to which the fund manager and the financial market participant claim to be making sustainable investments.

In line with the SFDR, Amundi Alpha Associates publishes the following sustainability related disclosures:

As Amundi Alpha Associates is managing an SFDR Article 8 compliant Infrastructure Fund of Funds, the relevant SFDR disclosure documents for that fund are available to existing investors in their dedicated investor portal.