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Impact Investing

Over the past decade, impact investing has rapidly evolved from a niche segment of the financial landscape to a mainstream investment strategy. A growing awareness of climate change due to the negative impact of human activities on our planet has been a driver of this, as are the increasingly evident social inequalities and in particular income inequality among and within countries. These developments have created an urgency to act and have now pushed impact investing to the top of the institutional investor’s agenda.

Amundi Alpha has been screening the European and North American Impact private equity market and manager universe since 2019 and has partnered with Innovest Advisory to develop a comprehensive impact framework for our impact investment strategy. This includes an Impact Thesis, a Theory of Change, Impact Measurement Framework, Impact Selection Framework, and Impact Reporting.

Amundi Alpha Associates promotes the implementation of the SDFR Art. 9 disclosure requirements and other industry standards such as the IMP, GIIN IRIS+ and UN SDGs.

We have programmed an Impact reporting tool in collaboration with SIRSA, which facilitates KPI tracking and reporting in accordance with SFDR Art. 9.

Amundi Alpha has further co-authored the following informative articles with Innovest Advisory on the various aspects of Impact Investing: